Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My god she's growing up

I can't believe it. I'm sitting here tapping away, doing what I like, twiddling about and taking my time, and my little Sadie is playing on her own in her room. After four and a half years it's happened- I am getting my life back bit by bit as she's needing me less and less. Scary but wonderful at the same time.
So what am I going to do with all this regained freedom? It's like being born again I tell you! Well, apart from starting a blog, I have just signed up to a copy editing course to help eventually contribute more financially to my little nest of three. I'm also planning on getting some more articles published (probably in parenting mags as that seems to be my most broad area of knowledge now- and to think there was a time I wrote for More! magazine about blow jobs....). I'm also scarily broody as hell, but can't 100% decide whether to have another sprog. It would be lovely and beautiful and everything, but they are SUCH f@*+ing hard work (no that's not an email but the computer thinks it is). We shall see. I also need to work on The Book.
ONe of my latest article ideas is connected to this decision making and is related to Post Natal Depression (i'm not going to tell you the whole idea- someone might steal it!), which I am scared of happening to me a second time. I now know that I had it but my GP failed to notice, despite me liturally falling apart both physically and mentally in front infront of her very ignorant eyes. The plan is to go and see a midwife to have a chat.
Best go and finish making hungarian goulash a la Annabel Karmel. She's the best.

Soundtrack: Kylie- Love at First Sight