Saturday, January 26, 2008


I love kale. It rocks. It's in season and it's delicious and super dooper for your body. Made it last night in my favourite way- it's really,really easy, yummy AND healthy- I like to eat this before I go tut pub so I feel like I'm not just putting poison in my body for the night... recipe below:

Tuna steak with garlicky greens
(serves 2)
2 tuna steaks
sesame oil
sea salt

2 generous handfuls of curly kale, chopped
2 generous handfuls of baby spinach
1 generous handful of savoy cabbage, chopped
3 garlic cloves, chopped small
big knob of butter/ 2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
1/2 lime

Sear tuna steaks in sesame oil and a pinch of rock salt until both sides browning, but middle of fish pink. Melt butter in seperate pan, add garlic and saute, then throw in greens and stir until just wilted. Place on plate with tuna on top. Squeeze 1/4 lime over dish, season and serve. Yummy and fairly guilt free too!
(also very nice served with boiled waxy potatoes if you are hungrier, but not needed for a light, healthy dinner)
Em- kale is one for you as it's packed with calcium so v good if you're off the old cows milk produce....