Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Rice Cakes and Late Night Giggles

I know my health guilt has started to kick in again when I hungrily nip into Holland and Barratt on my way to picking up Sadie from school to grab a bag of lightly salted rice cakes; dried items that would fail to satisfy even the immature tastebuds of a toddler. I know it's even more serious when I accept the shop assistant's offer of purchasing a copy of H&B's 'Hypochondriacs Monthly' publication 'Healthy' Magazine. Do you know I was once stupid enough to pitch an article idea to them about hypochondria itself? Of course, they ignored my idea for a piece on a serious anxiety disorder, as the condition is what sells their waffle in the first place.
Onto more serious issues, my bike got nicked over half term while we were away. This has pissed me off severely. What kind of prick steals a bike that has a child's seat on the back? Ok- so Andy originally found the bike abandoned outside Brighton Station two years ago, but having phoned the police and found out the bike hadn't been reported stolen- we kept it. Perhaps the rightful owner spotted it after all this time and sawed my lock off. It was a bugger not having it as it meant that when I took Sadie to her weekly swimming session today we had to walk to the pool, which is only 1/4 mile away, but took an hour there and an hour back (with bedraggled wet locks). I have a big problem with my patience when it comes to dawdling four year olds. It is not a pretty sight, especially when I combine my crossness with the soggy drowned rat look.
Went to a stand up comedy night tonight in Hove at The Forager, with Joy and Geoff- our old mate Steve Saul was there and his refreshing quirkiness shone like a beacon in the mist of mundane joke-telling wannabes. Also- Zoe Lyons was absolutely ace- why is it that lesbian comedians are so funny? Can anyone enlighten me? The last night we went to the only women who made me laugh were gay- what's that about?
next night is last tues of Nov; visit www.myspace.com/peoplevstandupcomedy