Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dirty Thirties

I've had a bit of writer's block recently, as you may well have noticed. It's all good though, if a little distracting, and I've been having quite a giggle the last couple of weeks. Life is funny isn't it? There I was, minding my own business, feeling like I could quite happily get into being on my own and being self-indulgent for a while, when a lithe young man comes along as I'm sitting on the beach, strips off COMPLETELY right in front of me, dives into the sea like some sort of Diet Coke hunk and then gets out and comes and asks me for coffee (he had got dressed by this point). Well- I couldn't really say no could I (even though I don't actually drink coffee- but who was I to spoil the moment and ask for a camomile tea instead), and I was most surprised as I was red-faced and wearing a tracksuit, having just been for a sweaty jog along the seafront. Having got my chick flick moment out the way (and a huge caffeine rush that left me jibbering for days), we have been on a couple of hot dates since, but I am happy just to keep it in a bubble of Hollywood perfection. It has served a purpose, and dragged me from under the black cloud, that up until then I wasn't aware I was under.
I love being 30. Someone close to me, who is now in their 40s, told me that your 30s are brilliant because you really know who you are and are much more confident in yourself. I had been looking forward to feeling like this throughout my crushingly self-doubting 20s, and I have to say, from the moment I toasted to my third decade of life, in Blackberry Woods campsite last August, I felt like a new beginning was upon me. I made a promise to myself that I would trust my instincts more, and be a little more selfish. After all, as great as turning 30 has proved to be, youth is rapidly leaving me. There's only 10 or so years left (if I'm lucky and stop drinking so much I might not end up the old fruit I am destined to be until my late 40s) of being considered remotely spring-chickenly and I intend to make the most of it. And thanks to Merman I now truly believe that anything is possible.... especially when you least expect it...

Soundtrack: Kylie- Wow