Monday, July 14, 2008

A Right Kir Royale Piss Up

The ‘Champagne and Bling’ party was a great success despite many people (including my doppelganger who was the original tiara wearing fizzy plonk lover) pulling out at the last minute (the best excuse being from my Czech friend who said she had to stay in to write a letter....). Nevertheless my flat was still a heaving glittery piss up; with neighbours not complaining about the noise but actually coming up to join us to add to the madness. My married next door neighbour and his friend came over dressed in golfing attire. Later on their wives were banging down the door to find out where their other halves had disappeared to. Oops. I spent the latter half of the evening lap dancing for a young architect from London, and then promptly passed out in my tiara, electric pink eye shadow (hello? Am I 13?) and heels. I am so classy. Ah but I had loads of fun. Toy Soldier didn’t turn up in the end; I think he has lost his nerve the poor lamb. A quick Facebook stalker moment has meant I now know the truth: he is in fact 18. Cripes! Probably just as well he blew me out then…..
Lovely to see lots of old friends and ace to ease my post-party blues yesterday with my friend Tatiana over a couple of shandies…And to think I could have been spending the night with an inexperienced baby-faced squaddie.
Sadie has come back from a trip to Belgium with her daddy today, and so back to the world of school runs, fish fingers, nits and Disney princesses.
(p.s. aside from my arse wiggling show for the architect I think my mojo has left me as I just re-read the last 3 entries and realised that THREE of my "hareem" turned down the invite to my party.... boo....looks like the magic has gone. Oh well- it was fun while it lasted...)