Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hairy desks and doppelgangers

Work really dragged today. My lovely boss Tim is away spending time with his "babies" (his cats) so there's not much to do. Everyone there is too nice to give me any work to do but I'd rather be busy. I have had to resort to finding mild amusement in the dullest of things. One entertaining thing that has started to happen is that people keep mistaking me for someone else- to the point that they get quite cross with me when I give them blank looks. Right opposite me sits a friendly pharmacist called Sarah.. Thing is we look very similar- same build, shoulder length red hair, blue eyes, similar dress sense, etc, in fact if I look away slightly I could well be facing a mirror, so a few people have got us muddled up. When she's off doing her ward round I get the odd consultant or nurse running in and talking pharmaceutical gibberish to me. And then when I explain I'm not Sarah, but Cathy, a Services PA, they get all flustered and confused, as they think they are going mad as they are sure they just saw me dishing out medication not taking minutes. Ho ho.
Two really gross things happened to me today as well, to break up the day somewhat disgustingly. Whilst eating my hummus sandwich at my desk, I went to sweep the crumbs into my hand and swept a jet black pubic hair off the table (and let's not forget I am a real ginge so this was nothing to do with me). How the hell did that get there? Who has been shagging on my desk? (because this is the obvious reason... especially when you're bored at work). I didn't eat the rest of my sandwich. Then I found these really hilarious pink visors next to my desk and put them on, stood up and said "hey everyone- look at these funny glasses! Who left these here?". One of the nurses solemnly explained that these are protective shades to prevent the splatters from when they are inserting dialysis tubes into people. I wondered what the smears were. That certainly wiped the smile from my face.
I can only hope I have more to do tomorrow or might be tempted to impersonate Sarah and go on a ward round in said eye wear, questioning everyone as to whether they have been rubbing their genitalia on my work space........