Sunday, March 23, 2008

Chocolate Reiterations

I don't know whether it's just me becoming more intolerant in my old age, or whether I am just getting worse at judging on gut instincts, but I seem to have had a barrage of rude people in my life over the last couple of years. Yesterday I had the misfortune of meeting up with one of Andy's friends, thinking this would be a nice way to spend the day, and heal over a few burnt bridges. But oh no. What a mistake that was. All this person managed to do was obliterate those bridges into smithereens, only confirming further that I am better off out of it.
Devil's Dyke was braved yesterday with a group of friends and their dogs- Sadie and I nearly blew away and we basically slid down the hill a mile to the Fulking pub (and that was F-U-L-K-I-N-G) for some grub. I treated myself to a pint of Harveys and some mussels. Well a girl's got to wine and dine herself sometimes...
After making spag bol and chocolate cornflake cakes round at Rachael's, which was hightly therapeutic, I went out for a few drinks last night with the lovely Fiona- very nice lady (I do have many great friends too which makes up for the freaks) but the booze wasn't quite hitting the spot so I came home before my night descended into tearful hysteria (it is going to happen at some point, but I'd rather it not in a packed pub with 'Living On A Prayer' blasting out). I have to expect this. I am off to lunch at a friends' today for a drunken afternoon, in hope I will get some elation rather than the other, but i must be wary of alcohol at present.
Sadie has just excitedly rummaged around the flat for her Easter eggs and has eaten most of them, so I expect to see some of them resurfacing shortly. This day could go one way or the other...
Happy Easter everyone!

Soundtrack: Girls Aloud-No Good Advice