Friday, May 30, 2008

Ginger connections and the continuation of the species

As I left work yesterday teetering from the hospital carpark on my bicycle I heard a male voice shout "Alright Ginge!". I turned round, ready to scowl at the Chav idiot who had obviously thought it appropriate to yell such an ignorant pointless thing, as I always do when this happens (and it happens rather more than I care to remember) and was surprised to see an orange-topped bloke grinning at me. So I smiled in a warm sisterly way and went on my merry way. It somehow felt like a ginger connection rather than the usual feeling of mild racism.
Sarah my doppelganger at work and I have been talking about the fact that I now need to make it my mission to carry on the ginger gene and find myself a redheaded man next, or at least a mousy blond with ginger trimmings, so I can have ginger children in the future. Sadie is wonderful and everything but she is more Med than red if you see what I mean. Dark genes win the war every time unfortunately and I need to do my bit for my super race.