Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Floral gestures and deflated balloons

A man bought me some flowers the other day, and when I woke up the following day they had wilted, despite being in a vase of water and in full sunlight. Three days previously I had bought myself some flowers, as I do every week now to help put a little spring in my step (thanks Nat for the tip), and on that same morning, they had completely blossomed and, almost one week later, they are still thriving. There is a lesson in there somewhere.
Apologies for abysmal efforts at writing on here of late. My main reason is that my computer at home is so completely achingly slow that I get all in a tizz and lose the will to live let alone ramble about my sad life in cyberspace.
I am at work at present tinkling away. It's so lovely and peaceful here I could almost think about writing some of The Book. The Book that has suffered of late. Why is it that I find it easier to write when I am feeling vaguely cheesed off than when I am feeling in the mood for humming Kylie tunes? Teenage kicks zap my creativity. The Book is coming back now though; just as the 79p Co-op floral gesture of guilt began to sag, my ideas started to come back.
Visited the last few events of the Brighton Festival this weekend- the upside down giant purple cow thing in the middle of town and some Hove open houses-, and even had a swim in the sea early on Saturday morning. It was completely freezing but got the blood pumping. An elderly gentlemen came and shook my hand afterwards and said "You are one very brave girl". Which was nice. He may have also been referring to my choice of swimming partner, but that is a whole other story (remember Merman?Put it this way- we were lucky not to be arrested...)
I think I am slightly getting into extreme sports (well- by my normal standards these are radical exercise regimes)- it's as though I need to feel something other than my emotions, and alcohol just isn't doing the job right now. I went on a 10 mile cycle ride last week that left me purple in the face, sweat running down my back, and made the pedal fall off my bike. I need to calm right down.
Found another red balloon bobbing about in my street again yesterday. Sadie ran up to it and stamped on it until it deflated. What this means I will never know but it made me laugh.

Soundtrack: Mika- Lollipop