Monday, April 7, 2008

The Real Truth About Cats and Dogs

Why is no one commenting on my blog anymore? Hello? Is anyone actually bothering to read my drivel anymore?? I know some of you are as you send me emails to my yahoo but goddam it- is there anyone else out there? And if not I don't blame you...
Anyway- I'll carry on regardless of no readers. For christ's sake I've kept a diary for 19 years and had no one looking at it and that never stopped me.
My blog is turning into some G-list celebrity hall of fame. My latest encounter was in the Funky Fish club in Brighton on Saturday night. One of my favourite films when I was in my late teens was 'The Truth About Cats and Dogs'; a rom-com about a man who goes for brains over beauty (but let's face it- the girl he chooses is still very pretty of course- see above image of girl on the right); a film that all deluded girls would warm to. The male character is played by the lovely Ben Chaplin, and this is who I drunkenly cornered in a motown club a few days ago. He was, sadly, with his wife/girlfriend who didn't seem too happy, but he was quite pleasant, was surprised to hear that Rachael knew he used to have a cat called 'Oi' and even later came and asked my name. I have to say I was a bit tipsy and did suddenly think I was talking to the man of my dreams (his Cats and Dogs character) but quickly whisked myself away mumbling the words 'He' and 'Is' and 'Just' and 'An' and 'Actor' to myself....

Soundtrack: Arctic Monkeys- Mardy Bum