Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ladies Only

Oh- yesterday turned out to be PMT by the way. God, since rapidly approaching, and then turning, 30 I've been feeling absolutely shit around this time of the month- anyone got any tips? I've been taking Agnus Castus every day for 2 months but still feel like I'm about to start the menopause for about 5 days before... hot flushes, exhaustion, mood swings, flu-like symptoms and paranoia ('plague of the pussies'? Cats are not that scary)... Small apology to any men reading this, but when a quarter of your life is taken over by this curse, it needs a mention. Incidentally, I have had to go over this last paragraph more than once to correct grammatical mistakes- the monthlies turn me clumsy and bad at spelling.
My antidote to this wretched day was to spend it drinking white wine and eating fish pie with 89 year old Dick (yes- Dick- my spelling is correct this time), Tamzin's mother in law. What a great woman. She told me all about her children's home that she and her husband ran many years ago overlooking Lake Windermere. She looked after 12 children, three of which were her own, who were between the ages of 7 days and 15 years. Puts me to shame even mentioning a gruelling day with my one kiddiwinkle, which I can be known to do, especially once a month.
I'm also going to see another amazing lady this weekend- we're off to my nan's (or Narnie Em as we call her) 90th!! - 90?!?- and there's me complaining about the physical symptoms of my third decade of life as a woman.. I'll shut up.

Soundtrack: Franz Ferdinand- What You Meant


JaneyV said...

Hi There - just found your blog and it's had me laughing out loud. I'm working backwards through your posts ( I'm methodical just not very sensible) and I thought that I'd share a few tips on PMT. First eat as much organic food as you can (not getting xeno-oestrogens in your diet from the environmental nasties will help hugely and secondly ol' Evening Primrose OIl is the kiddy - you just need to double the dose stated for the first few weeks of taking it and then Bob's your lobster. another mate of mine takes Star Oil but it is more expensive than EPO.

Myself - I just set aside a day for shouting at other drivers, being completely unreasonable, fucking up my kids and bursting into tears for no good reason. I think it makes me special.

If you get a sec, check out Domestigeek - my friend RĂ­oa's blog - I think you'll enjoy her recipies and her humour.

Great tip on the Pumpkin seeds by the way - How thick are we?

Her Indoors said...

Thanks for your tips Janey V- I will try the organic grub /evening prim again as I know it can work.... Shouting does too, yes. I feel very purged after a good scream, just a shame it leaves me with a sore throat and my family quivering. I wil check out Rioa's blog forthwith. x