Sunday, November 11, 2007

Christmas Pudding Dash

For the first time in 400 years, thanks to song called 'Valerie' sung by a big-haired drug addict from Camden (and yes I know it's a cover- but with that bouffant and that voice she's always going to be remembered for it more than the Zutons), ginger hair is fashionable again. And you know what- I had a horrible recollection last night of being chatted up by Miss Winehouse's perverting husband Blake Fearnley-Whittingstall about ten years ago in a nightclub after he had sold me some crack (it was for my friend). This freaked me out a bit as he must have been about 15 years old. I'm sure it was him.
Back to the fluffy world I live in nowadays, I've just signed up to do a Christmas Pudding Dash in Battle, near Hastings, on Saturday 22nd December. I'll be running five miles (well there is a glass of mulled wine at the end- I have been known to run further if there is a drink awaiting me) around the beautiful grounds of some posh house, and if you sponsor me the money will go to the Martha Trust, which is a charity for severely disabled people. Will put details on here tomorrow of how you can sponsor me. And if anyone wants to run alongside me let me know (it's worth it just to laugh at my purple face).


Rachael Glazier said...

I want to do that, sounds cool! Um, annoyingly am going to have to give the run a miss tomorrow as I'm off to fraser's tonight and will be working there tomorrow (hello readers of cath's blog, sorry to bore you with my domestic arrangements) so prob won't be back in time for a run. Lame... I'm taking my trainers and will do 4x5mins thing in attempt to start training again, do you want to meet up on thurs instead?

Her Indoors said...

No worried loved up lady! I am actually having a few glasses of red with the lovely Anna this afternoon so would be too wobbly to jog on anyway. How about tomorrow for a sunset run along the seafront? x