Monday, November 5, 2007

Mommies Who Drink

Yesterday's Observer Woman magazine (well I always manage to read the colour supplements, the tv guide...) had extracts from Brett Paesel's new book 'Mommies Who Drink'- it sounds fantastic and I'll certainly be getting a copy. Brett's honest account of bringing up kids (the boringness of it, the need for wine involvement, her experience of post partum depression just seeming a sensible reaction to having to look after a person 24/7 who screams all the time) is right up my street. I shall also be buying it for all my "mommy" friends this Christmas!
see article:,,2202294,00.html


Rachael Glazier said...

Nooo, why haven't you written more today?! I've been looking forward to reading it during a teabreak. I've managed a sip and now I've got to go back to work. Need. Longer. Break.
Just remembered I haven't roasted those pumpkin seeds yet.

Her Indoors said...

I thought you might need a break from my waffling but obviously I was WRONG. You shall regret this- I'm going to have a right old ramble tomorrow....

Her Indoors said...

Oh and if you're working now and need a break I can make you laugh by telling you that I've just bitten through my lip! I have tooth marks and everything. There- that's a few moments for you x

Rachael Glazier said...

Damn thing lost my comment...
How on earth did you bite through your lip?! Were you drinking a glass of red at the time?
How were the fireworks? Looking forward to the ramble tomorrow.
And no, I don't need a break from your waffle, but I do need a break from writing about beauty, bleurgh.