If you want to listen to a load of old w@*k then please log onto http://www.dontmagazine.com/#/5/david-langley/ and listen to an artist talk shit. Stick to the rather nice collages love and keep your mouth shut- you are really really dull and ramble even more than me.
Am tempted to listen seeing as it's Sunday and there are no new posts. Please cater for those with a dull life.
Hope you had fun on friday,
Oh I see so you have to have a dull life to read my blog eh?! I know what you're saying lady.. I obviously have a very dull life if I had to spend a morning logging onto Don't Magazine's pages. It's a Shoreditch-esque magazine and I really thought someone was having a joke, but no, even after Nathan Barley, this tripe still exists. Re- not many entries of late. I know I've had blogger's block lately due to too many late nights of booze, Woody Allen DVDs, and MT (without the P).
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