Monday, December 10, 2007

Annie revelations and aching lungs

I have only just realised why I wasn't allowed to watch the musical 'Annie' when I was a nipper.... we watched it yesterday with Sadie and it all made sense. On the one hand, my parents are strict Catholics and 'Annie' is in fact a rather saucy production which I'm sure my mother wouldn't approve of. I can't tell you how many female gussets were flashed but there were plenty. On the other hand, we were always allowed to watch 'Carry On' films and Benny Hill, so I think my second theory is correct: they were probably being sensitive, as I am a cheeky ginger lass who's mum adopted me at birth, and Annie is a cheeky ginger lass whose parents abandoned her at birth, ends up living in a stinking orphanage and then later discovers her real parents are dead. Yes- it all makes perfect sense now as to why I was never exposed to this film. Glad I have now watched it as it's a classic- Sadie has been singing 'Tomorrow' ever since. And luckily, I have since found out that my birth mother is alive and well. In fact we're going to visit her this Christmas, for the third year running.As for my natural dad; he might be alive, but if he is he's well into his 70s by now and is married with at least three children in their early fifties, and might not appreciate me turning up out of the blue, resembling the one night stand he had back in 1976.
So, like Annie, my story had a happy ending too, although I wasn't lucky enough to have a big party with fireworks spelling out my name in the sky.
Just been for a mile run along seafront and nearly died. First time I've run since I had head cold and I am so out of practice- only 2 weeks until I've got to do 5 miles!!! Jesus. It's now an hour since I got back from run and I'm still bright purple.

Soundtrack: Elastica-Annie

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