Thursday, December 6, 2007

Chocolate Brownies and The Street

See title for two of my favourite things, and two things I enjoyed simultaneosly this evening. Thank god for the chocolate comfort as, as ever, The Street left me in tears. What an amazing series. Very Mike Leigh in fact, although with more of a sprinkle of optimism thrown in at the end. See recipe below for my fave brownie recipe by the way, and The Street can be found on BBC1 every Thursday night at 9pm.
We now have a Christmas tree!! And it's 9ft tall!! Not as mad as you may think as our ceilings (as they are a la Regency stylee) are about 12ft high. We went on a lovely trip yesterday to Wilderness Wood near Haywards Heath and it's one of the best places I've ever been to in East Sussex. Great for kids too and their trees are beautiful and bargainous so get yours from there if you live near me. See for details...

Chocolate Brownies
100g butter
50g cocoa powder
2 eggs
225g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence
50g self raising flour
50g small walnut pieces

Preheat oven to 180oC. Line small baking tin with baking sheet. Melt butter and add cocoa. Mix until no lumps. Beat eggs and add sugar. Mix until smooth. Stir in cocoa mix and vanilla essence. Add flour bit by bit, until combined. Mix in walnut pieces. Pur mixture into tin and bake for about 30mins.

Soundtrack: two Great Xmas singles from bands I know- both are great sparkly festive tunes-
Pocketbooks-Christmas In Your Sights
Priscillas-One Christmas Wish (listen to


JaneyV said...

Hi Cathy, I've been looking for a good chocolate brownie recipe to make with my 10-year old so I'm deffo going to give these a shot. Just want to be sure about something first:- Do you really put in only 50g of flour with 225g of sugar? I'm thinking it should be more????
PS I went to Wilderness Wood myself last Saturday to get some logs. It's only a couple of miles from where I live. It is a lovely place. My little boy, Louis was enthralled by the Christmas trees and lights and I oooh'd and aaah'd at all the lovely wooden wooden stuff they made. Next time though I'll go in daylight - might see some more!!!
Also if you do write the book on getting fussy kids to eat good food - I'll be first in line to buy it. I know I can't be the only one with stubborn controlling kids with food issues.

Her Indoors said...

Yes- now you know why I love these brownies so... there is that much sugar to that much flour! It's actually a recipe I've adapted from a book by Jennie Maizels for kids so I can't take the credit myself. I've made it a bit more yummy for grown ups(i.e. not very healthy). Enjoy- they are easy to make with kids too- Sadie loves helping me do all the choclatey, gooey mixing. oooo- my first customer- glad you're interested in my book- I might do some test runs with parents who are interested so I can always send you some chapters later on for you to see how they read.
If you live near Wilderness Wood you live in a very pretty part of East Sussex you lucky lady. I'd live that way, but Andy, being a born and bred londoner who thinks Brighton is sleepy town, is having none of it. Looks like we'll be urbanites forever.