Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Pudding Run!

We did it!! Rebs and I ran 5 miles yesterday morning, in the freezing cold wearing nothing but our running gear and our santa hats. We ran up slippery muddy hills and through sludgy fields but we loved it!! Oh how we laughed. We were amongst the last half of people through the finishing line (Rebs' new running friend became a man of about 90 who kept wheezing- she had to mentally run through her vague knowledge of first aid just to stop herself from panicking) but we don't care- we ran all that way and we survived!! It was actually rather hilarious, as we took so long to do the run compared to some of the professional tri-athletes and runners that when we were approaching the end, some cars were driving past us, already on their way home having finished half an hour ago! When I arrived at the line it was blocked with people milling about discussing which pub to go to for a ploughmans. I assume they thought "why is that ginger woman running towards us- the race finished ages ago". The marshalls had to lead me to the finishing post- I couldn't even see it through the crowds of people packing away. Ironically Andy and Sadie also weren't there to cheer me through one of my finest moments, as just at the crucial time of completion Sadie needed a number two. Bloody kids! So there was me, running around trying to actually find the finishing line with no one clapping for me! How tragic, but I feel smug and self-righteous now anyway. Plus I got half a glass of mulled wine (Rebs and I had to share as they had nearly run out, having quenched the thirst of the sprinters aeons ago) and a christmas pudding to take home. Ace. We shall definitely be signing up next year.

Soundtrack: Queen-Don't Stop Me Now /Survivor-Eye of the tiger (can't decide which I prefer but they both serve as cheesy background tunes to my day of glory)

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