Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Today was bloody freezing but I was catapulted back to a time when I was very hot. An Indian woman from the school invited Sadie and I over to her house this afternoon for samosas and pakora. She treated me like a goddess, serving me chi and yummy food. It was heaven, and reminded me of our trip to India last winter when we befriended a Goan family who invited us over for a meal. They made us a feast and didn't eat themselves- finding pleasure in watching us enjoy their food. Elveena is a lovely woman, and has invited us back one day for more gorging and interesting chat. I was reminded how friendly and welcoming Indian people are. It's very refreshing when you're used to stiff englishness and awkwardness. They have only been here a few months, having moved from Delhi, and I wondered if I was her first english guest. I was glad to have been to her birth land and be able to understand her culture a little. Even though I found Delhi actually a bit of a nightmare when we travelled India (we were with a four year old with delhi-belly after all), I could now appreciate having been to such a different place.

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