Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Cynical Secretary in me

I have just been asked to come for an interview for a part time PA job at the hospital kidney unit. As much as I know this job will pay well (I was once PA to the editor of the Guardian don't you know-until I got up the duff that is), will be easy and enjoyable in an anally retentive kind of way (remember how much I love lists?) it's not exactly what I had planned for My Creative Life After Childrearing. Ok- so a part time job won't take up all my time to write, but it will certainly take up half of it- that's half my writing life gone. Mind you- here I am in my 'writing life' writing my self-absorbed blog and listening to the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack ('Hungry Eyes' gets me every time) so perhaps I should get a job where I get out more and actually make some money. Although knowing my luck, I'll end up wth MRSA.

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