Sunday, March 9, 2008

Knock Me Up

Rather bizarrely, my blog is working it's way backwards at the moment, which means to all you wonderful people reading it, and I know you all work at it the wrong way, it will be in the correct chronological order.
The reason for going back over a week ago is that I need to comment on a band I saw the night before our trip to Iceland who somewhat blew my mind and made me go slightly weak at the knees. We had free tickets to see Pete Doherty, who none of us actually like, but thought we'd head along for a laugh. The tickets were £20 to the other punters so we thought maybe it would be worth the tube ride across town to Whitechapel's The Rhythm Factory. On arrival, after having passed the really rude bouncers, I suddenly clocked my younger brother snogging the face off some young thing. He's such a tart. And anyway-what the hell was he doing out at the same seedy venue as me on a school night? Weird coincidence and lovely to bump into him, and once we'd recovered from the shock of how random this was, he informed me he wasn't here to see Pete Doherty, but his friends' band The Knock. After a few beers, the band came on and, unexpectedly- most of my brother's mates are quite straight accountant types so I was a bit worried- they were absolutely blimin great- electro Bowie tunes and amazing stage presence. My friends and I were liturally drooling at the end of their set. I have now been asked to get the band some gigs in Brighton, and I will oblige accordingly. check out their myspace:

Soundtrack: The Knock-Talk

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