Monday, April 28, 2008

Ex-nympho supermarket wars

'Happy Go Lucky' was enjoyed yesterday with the ever-soothing and entertaining Joy and Geoff. We were all on the edge of our seats most of the film as, for a Mike Leigh number, is was all too blimin happy. We all expected the smiling and slightly irritating Poppy to get raped by her driving instructor or some such ugliness, but oh no- it was all positive, despite the usual dark undertones and melancholy cello music. Very enjoyable too, although I must remember that being sad and viewing Mike Leigh creations generally doesn't mix. I probably should have opted for a chick flick this time round. Yes- my moods have been somewhat up and down- extremely so. I am told this is normal after splitting up with someone (it's been a long time since I last did- all I remember from then is suddenly becoming a bed-hopping nympho to deal with the feelings of hurt- not something I'll be doing this time around), and if the truth be known I am having remarkably more good days than bad. I've been a little on the feisty side though. Sadie and I popped into Tesco over the weekend and I was laden with bags, a child and her scooter, so I got in a bit of a flap when the basket I was trying to take got stuck. I eventually took the top two out, placed them on the floor, when suddenly the man who had been standing behind me all this time leapt in and nicked the first basket now available. I was fuming!! So I grabbed my basket next in line and charged after him red faced (and quite frankly feeling like I was about to burst into tears I was so insulted), taking great pleasure in barging into him right next to the organic section so that his basket dug right into his thigh. He looked a little perturbed and I felt much better for it. Luckily Sadie was oblivious to her mother getting all violent in the vegetable isle. Not sure how I would explain going against my usual preachings about hurting people not being a good way to show you are upset. Oops.


JaneyV said...

Mike Leigh film always leave me feeling like I've been though the emotional wringer. I'm glad Happy Go Lucky was one of his more positive ones!
From what I can remember of break-ups mood swings are part of the deal. Like any kind of swing eventually it slows down and stops. The violence in a supermarket queue is just confirmation that you're perfectly normal. Blokey was a rude git!

red said...

and in all honesty, you're probably going to be up and down for quite a while to come i'm afraid. you were with yer man for a long time after all. thinking of you.

Her Indoors said...

Janey V - You are very right, as I have learnt this weekend- one day you feel like the black cloud will never go away and the next thing you know you are having the time of your life! Thanks for your reassuring words..x

Red - Yes it was 7 years so it's not going to pop away from my inner core just like that, but I tell you what I am so glad I took up jogging as it has opened up a door I never knew would be ajar let alone leading the the blimin secret garden! Life is very funny sometimes and I will tell you what actually happened on my yahoo as it is hilarious. I entered a chick flick for the day!!