Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Ginger Chocolate Nightmares

Oh god what is happening to me- I still appear to have pureed chickpeas for brain matter. Work is going well but every now and then I do the odd thing that makes me go "what the f%$k did you do that for you plum?" to myself. I am obviously somewhat away with the fairies at times, and only human of course, and the things that have happened haven't done much damage but ARGH. I really like my boss. So much so that it was his birthday yesterday and I bought him a bar of Ginger and dark chocolate green and blacks. I knew this wouldn't be misconstrued as he is blatantly gay (the cats for babies, the mention of someone called Glenn who keeps him awake at night with his snoring; it's becoming clearer)and he loved it. I'm such a creep. He is really fun to work with, if a little bitchy (I do wonder how he refers to me- his dizzy PA with garlic breath probably at this rate. I do eat a lot of garlic). He also talks quite fast so I have to ask him to explain something again sometimes which I HATE having to do as I am usually the sort of PA you only have to explain something to once. But it's his Ulster accent and mumblings that get me every time. Like tonight- he called me on his mobile to give me his computer passcode. "Tumculreefor". What? "Tumculreefor". What again? In the end he had to spell it and he even did that too quick, but by then I was too proud to ask him again what on earth he was saying so I jotted something resembling a passcode that made sense, attempted to log into his computer. One try- ok again- second time- no- ok third time I'll get it right- oh no- his computer then f%$king locked and I couldn't do what he'd asked me to do and when he comes back on Friday he'll have the added job of changing his passcode. As a PA you are meant to lighten someone's workload not add to it. Argh.
I'm such a plum.....


JaneyV said...

But you're a lovely plum who brings in expensive organic chocolate and remembers birthdays! When I was a PA I once answered the phone to a million pound client whist in the middle of making a quip about cunilingus. I broke into hysterical giggling and had to put the poor git on hold and make someone else put him through. She explained that I 'd had a coughing fit but I know he heard about a plum!

Her Indoors said...

Ah that is hilarious! And I am learning that no matter how much of a plum you think you have made of yourself it is NEVER (well hardly ever) as bad as you think it is. Touch wood. One thing I keep almost doing is writing things like 'will do in a sec' or 'if you get a sec' in my work emails, and as 'c' and 'x' are next to each other on the computer keyboard it is only a matter of time before I tell one of the lead consultants that I will get back to them when I have a sex.......

JaneyV said...

LOL - that made me snort tea out my nose!