Thursday, May 29, 2008

The bedside manner of a turd

I think I might be losing my marbles. I was on the bus travelling home from work yesterday and was talking to a friend on my mobile. As I jibbered away I rummaged through my bag and panicked that I couldn't find my phone. I voiced this concern to said friend and she said "Cathy- you're talking on it...." before collapsing in a heap of giggles on the end of the line. I think I must speak to this friend so often and had got so used to listening to her, that I now thought she was just a voice in my head and not a person on the end of the phone. Oh dear.
I'm not sleeping well at present and this might explain my dippiness. For the last 2 months I have woken every night at 3am and laid awake until about 5am just thinking and worrying. It's a horrible time of the night to be awake as it's almost morning so you know you'll be getting up in a few hours, and it's also not a time of the day when you can get up and do anything productive with your thoughts. I sometimes jot things down or go and get myself a chamomile tea, but on the whole I just lie there feeling rotten. I have a completely useless GP unfortunately. I went to see her the other day as my glands are up and I feel very tired. I mentioned my sleep problem and she dismissed it, saying it was probably the humidity and not to concern myself and as for the gland thing, it was "just a virus". Great help thanks. I had cycled all the way across town and had had to spend an hour reading 6 month old copies of 'Good Housekeeping' magazine just to be told this crap. Is it any wonder I would normally prefer to visit a homeopath? Will I ever learn that when it comes to matters of the heart, unless it's a cardiovascular problem, doctors are pretty pants at sussing out what needs to be done.

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