Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Bit of a blur...

I write this through stinging, slightly blurred eyes. One of the curses of being a redhead is that when the weather is blue-skied and hot, as it is in Brighton at the moment (god I love living here- I get so much more sunlight than I ever did growing up in rainy Lincolnshire and then smoggy, shaded-by-the-council-blocks London), I have to smother myself in suncream on a daily basis. The stuff is greasy enough to annoy me being on my skin at all, but I am one of those fidgets who often rubs their eyes at work (as I am often tired from an early morning wake up call from Sadie) and now I have the stuff in my eyes. How bad is that? My poor pupils will be poisoned for ever. I keep meaning to buy myself some "alternative", more natural suncream (of which there must be an abundance in a place like Brighton which houses, allegedly, the healthiest and most alternative people in the UK- remember pomegranate molasses? Case proven)but each year I forget and quickly nip into Boots in a panic on my way home as the hot ball of fire in the sky takes me by surprise and I suddenly feel as thought the freckles on my arms are singeing into small, black smoke holes. I am terrified of getting skin cancer but blindness isn't much cop either. I must invest in something less harsh and chemical based. Any suggestions for creams/oils that work but are not nasty on your bod and peepers?

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