Thursday, June 12, 2008

A technophobe talks from the heart

Quite a few of my single friends keep insisting I should try internet dating. This rather cold way of meeting people has never really appealed, but as a single mum who doesn't get out as much as she'd like, perhaps I should give it a go. I'm quite old fashioned in many ways- I only learnt how to use a microwave this year, and have only had a mobile phone for 2 months. I survived quite happily without a mobile throughout my twenties, and now, although a useful means of communication, it has become the bane of my life. I am forever checking it to see if I have any messages from any of my men of the sea, and my entire mood can be swayed by either the gleeful arrival of an ego massaging text from someone of the opposite sex or, as on most days, a depressingly empty inbox gathering cobwebs. My worry is that entering into cyber flirtations will only exacerbate this problem. I am clearly in need of some attention, after opening Pandora's box of man folk recently and having a taster session. Rather than move from the starter to the main course, I'd quite like to tuck into the eat-as-much-as-you-like buffet for a little while longer, if you catch my drift.
Yesterday I began entering my details on a dating site, only to get so frustrated half way through that I closed the whole thing down. I'm not very good at summing myself up in an appealing manner. And I am certainly not photogenic. How on earth is any man going to have any idea about me from a webpage profile? I will just be filtered through their scouring as they read I am a ginger single mum who is quite poor, drinks too much and likes mashed potato and Woody Allen films.

Soundtrack: The Ting Tings- That's not my name


Anonymous said...

Noooooo Cathy don't do it!! I know swomeone who uses and she meets nutcase after nutcase and gets heavily involved with all of them. Whilst geting hung up on their latest texts emails etc. Trust fate, it worked on the beach for you and will work again, honestly!! Mind you it had better intervene soon 'cos I haven't had any gossip from you in at least a week...

Anonymous said...

Noooooo Cathy don't do it!! I know swomeone who uses and she meets nutcase after nutcase and gets heavily involved with all of them. Whilst geting hung up on their latest texts emails etc. Trust fate, it worked on the beach for you and will work again, honestly!! Mind you it had better intervene soon 'cos I haven't had any gossip from you in at least a week...

Anonymous said...

Noooooo Cathy don't do it!! I know swomeone who uses and she meets nutcase after nutcase and gets heavily involved with all of them. Whilst geting hung up on their latest texts emails etc. Trust fate, it worked on the beach for you and will work again, honestly!! Mind you it had better intervene soon 'cos I haven't had any gossip from you in at least a week...

Anonymous said...

OMG! didn't mean to put that down three times, very impatient with computers, I just keep pressing keys 'til something happens.
By the way have you tried Green People sun cream, all nice stuff and they make things for nippers too. xx

Flirty Something said...

you will have some good, bad and just bizarre experiences but is worth the effort.

Her Indoors said...

Joni Boo- eek I thought you were just trying to drum your point across! Point taken, and apologies for the lack of gossip of late- I thought I'd give you a well earned break from chewing your ear off about naked bums and cults. I'm off out tonight in a mini dress and fishnets so maybe I will be calling you tomorrow although oops I've just jinxed it! xx

Flirty- yes and it is the bizarre that I am after- I will hopefully only be single for a couple of years (ha! look at me all optimistic)and I want some stories to tell! x