Friday, July 11, 2008

Belgian waffles

Sadie has gone off to Belgium today with her daddy so I am free (if a little sad that my bubba is so far away) for the next 3 days from the chains of motherhood! My 'Champagne and Bling' (oh dear god) party is tomorrow night and it is going to be an oestrogen fuelled night at this rate as my list of guests is 25 women strong (10 of us single), with only 16 blokes attending. I am wearing a pink plastic tiara from Burger King and I have already purchased some fizzy rose from Asda. Ooo what tacky fun we will have!
Uber Lips can't make it unfortunately as he's working (hurry up and make a date with me Lips-of-the-Gods man- I can't wait much longer to test drive those puckers again!) and I am not going to invite my latest plaything Toy Soldier (he's just about to join the army and fancied a quick fling with an older lady... lucky me...) as the poor lad will faint from nerves, and friends would question whether I am having a third-life crisis when they see how boyish he looks! He's 21 but could pass for 17.....but very cute to boot.

Soundtrack: Suede-So Young


JaneyV said...

Have a fab tonight with your tiaras and pink fizz. I'll raise a beer to you!

Her Indoors said...

Ah thank you my dear! It was a fab night x