Monday, July 7, 2008

Trout Lips and Bunny Boiler moments...

So much for cutting down on the plonk.... last night I thought I'd spend a relaxing evening watching a string quartet perform at a local church. Classical music in the House of the Lord, I thought- now you don't get more puritanical than that! But oh no. There was a bar serving cheap wine and I was sitting next to my friend Pat who is an ex-pub landlord, so in typical Pat style he couldn't help himself but relentlessly shimmy over to the bar and pour me endless glasses of shitty shiraz (oof my head this morning)throughout the mesmerising 3 hour performance. But what an amazing rendition of Schubert's 'The Trout'. Just a shame I feel like an old trout this morning.
And this god awful weather isn't helping either. I am off to eat some chocolate. And there is a time and a place for chatting someone up via text (the sequel to the Merman- lets call him Uber Lips- has been in my thoughts a lot of late), but at work on a Monday morning is probably innappropriate. Oh well- wherever he is doing his systems analysing stuff I imagine it can only cheer him up so here goes.....God I am being unusually forward these days..

Later that day: blimey I think "cheer him up" is quite appropriate as apparantely my text got Uber Lips a bit excited at his desk at work and he had a bit of a "rigid" moment.... gosh what's going on? I have NEVER had this kind of effect on men before; or maybe I was just oblivious back then...
Sadie has been testing the boundaries so much lately I am bound to age rapidly over the next couple of years so I guess I should make the most of my allure while I still appear to have some....or maybe I am just very good with words..

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