Sunday, October 7, 2007

Sunday Sunday

I love Sundays. They turn me all twee and vaguely middle aged, but once a week I just about get away with it. I love the slow mornings, listening to classic fm whilst planning our day's trip to the countryside. Today, after my sunny run along the seafront, we drove to Wakehurst Place (as we're- eek - National Trust members so twas free)- the Kew of West Sussex- for a picnic and a walk around the beautiful muliticoloured tree gardens. We supped tea and nibbled flapjacks outside the manor house, whilst little Sadie pushed her dolly around in her buggy collecting fallen leaves and woodlice. Home now and cooking roast beef to Radio 4, whilst supping a rather cork flavoured glass of wine. Don't come too quick Monday Monday.
Exciting week as both Sadie and I have been asked to be bridesmaids for two separate lovely friends of mine- hers for Joy and Geoff next June, and mine for Caroline and Ewan in 2009. Ah- always the bridesmaid and all that. But congrats to these ladies and gents!! And I have to say both couples are both two of the most suited couples I've ever met so about time too you lot!!
Joke of the week: I've just started going to the gym and I used a machine for an hour and then felt really sick. It was a great machine though- it did Kit Kats, Snickers, crisps........

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