Monday, November 19, 2007

The connection between sausages and god

Talk about comfort eating. Yesterday I had a mild hangover, I was freezing cold no matter how many clothes I put on, and I had the last remnants of MT (without the P). So I did what I always did when I feel slightly ill, cold and down: I cooked a HUGE sausage casserole...(recipe below by the way). Andy was still in London so I cooked a feast for Sadie and myself. I put in twelve chipolata sausages and cooked the tomatoey, salty stew with buttery mashed potatoes and actually felt very high whilst eating it for my lunch. I thought I'd leave what was left, after Sadie and I had eaten half, but I spent the rest of the day, like an under-nourished trout swimming to the worms, gorging on it. I ended up finishing the lot. If I deduct the two sausages eaten by Sadie, I can deduce that I ate NINE sausages yesterday. That is DISGUSTING. I am quite ashamed... (but they were organic). And today I look pregnant.
Just been on the phone to my lovely Aunty Anne. She's such an amazing woman and I've always been close to her, but tonight I had a realisation as I spoke to her about how many times I say the word 'god' when waffling. She's a very religious woman you see and with every comment I made to her, I would mutter, completely without thinking, 'for god's sake', 'oh my god', 'god almighty', 'god no!', 'god really?', and other such blasphemous tittle. I became aware of how much I was doing it, so started trying to use 'goodness', 'gosh' and 'flippin' heck' in 'god''s place. It was a real shame as I haven't spoken to her in a long time and she's very liberal really, and probably wouldn't have minded, but I was so pre-occupied with my use of the lord's name in vain that I didn't really listen to her properly. Damnation!!

Cathy's Sausage Stew
(serves four on a good day; one and a half on a bad day)
12 organic pork chipolata sausages / 8 normal fat sausages
2 celery sticks, chopped
2 large, ripe tomatoes, chopped
1 can chickpeas
fresh basil and parsley, chopped
2 jars of Dolmio tomato and bacon pasta sauce (or 1 jar of Lloyd Grossman Smoky Bacon pasta sauce if you can find anywhere that sells it)

Heat a large frying pan and cook sausages until browned. Cut into bite-sized chunks, then add celery and chick peas. Stir for about 5 mins until celery a bit softer, and then add tomatoes, pasta sauce + 250ml water. Bring to boil and simmer for 10 mins. Take off heat and stir in chopped herbs. Serve with mash or new potatoes, depending on time of year and comfort needed (mash being ultimate comfort food after sausages).

Soundtrack: Madonna- Beautiful Stranger

1 comment:

Donna said...

The recipe sounds good! May try it but I'll have to revise some of the ingerdients to fit here in Texas. Shouldn't be a problem. Great header picture! Nice blog!