Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Twitter Ye Not

Did anyone ever watch gooey tear jerker film Bambi when they were small? If so- do you remember when it was twitterpating season and all the animals started getting friendly with each other and then made some baby Disney-animated animals together? Well I'm a bit scared to go back out my front door this morning, as that seems to be what's going on in Brighton this today- everyone's twitterpated. Even the checkout boy at Tesco was flirting with the french lady who had just come in to buy her bog roll, and seemed to be about to ask her out. As I walked past Starf+@%ers on the corner of my street there was a couple snogging in the window. Then, on my morning run (or rather fast walk as Miss Glazier and I were feeling weary), the cute guy from the video shop jogged past us and winked at me. The highlight was the man decorating our hallway who, seeing me coming back laden with food packed LEOPARD PRINT LAUNDRY BAGS (do you like the way I let you know oh-so-subtly that I don't use carrier bags) from Tesco, asked me, as if we were 'intimate', 'What are we having for dinner tonight darling?'. What's going on? The cats are now leaving us alone, but now I seemed to have been teleported into Lurve Land. I keep expecting Austin Powers to jump out in front of me snorting 'Yeah baby!'.
It beats yesterday, when, due to pissing rain, everybody was ratty and seemed to hate everyone they laid eyes on. Bring on the lust I say. But please Mr Painter and Decorator- stop looking at my arse.

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