Thursday, November 1, 2007

Titleless prattle

Hurrah- Sadie has befriended a lovely little girl at school called Lottie who has invited her over for tea with me on fireworks night to watch the cricket ground display from their lounge window (best and warmest seats in the house!). What is extra great about this is that her mum is ace and we seem to get on like old mates, which is such a relief, after all the awkward moments at the school making small talk with blank faces. It's funny how as much as you want your kiddie to make lots of friends you have to think of your own friendships too, and some of the parents you are forced to smile and be polite with, you'd rather never have to see again. I will be turning up on the 5th with a bottle, as Lottie's mum Fiona seems like my kinda gal.

Soundtrack: The Cribs- Men's Needs


JaneyV said...

Just moved to East Sussex from Herts a week ago. I know what you're saying! I feel that there should be a secret code to tell what kind of personality type you are. I don't know what exactly - a pin of some kind that indicates "I'm a woman of good humour who enjoys fine wines ( but any alcohol will do really), good conversation and company. I swear at inappropriate times and will occasionally burp in company. I like the good things of life - like food and fresh air (and wine) - not necessarily the stuff with a label or big price tag. I like beautiful things and warm clever people (not just the bookish kind of clever either - you know people who've lived, with experience to share). And I may occasionally have a wee glassy of wine (beer I just drink from the bottle).

The stick up your ass kinda person should then wear a different pin. And you could wear a different one for differnt moods. Yesterday I was warm friendly and gregarious so I was wearing my bright orange pin but today if you try to do polite small talk with me I may be rude to you as indicated by the purple pin with the flames and devil horns on it.

This all works till you've got a hangover and forget to change your pin...

I'm thinking that the slightly hit-and-miss softly-softly approach, while it takes a long time, might be safer! You still get to meet the Lottie and Fionas in the end.

Her Indoors said...

Ah you are a funny lady- love the pin idea, but like you say- patience is the key and desperation is not. Suggested to Fiona today about bringing a little tipple with me on Monday and she looked extremely chuffed. Wine a friend maketh. x