Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Country Living and Coming off the wagon

God well I have already blown one of my new year's resolutions... to not drink for a month to see if it helps stop my IBS, bad periods, facial numbness and tendency to say completely the wrong things at the wrong moments to the wrong people(it doesn't look good after 24 hours of being on the wagon-I just get very moody and I'm not prepared to see what happens if I abstain for longer-there might be a murder...).
We are still in Devon enjoying rural life. Popped into a lovely little fairy lit pub on the way back from Somerfield today; we were enjoying our beverages by the light of the open fire, we played Dominoes and Hangman, and then the beardy landlord joined us. He started telling us about his little three year old girl (who had befriended Sadie while we were there) who nearly died as a baby of the flesh eating bug necrotising fasciitis and how she is lucky to be alive. He thinks she got it on the moors. It had left her with a third of her head missing. She was a very sweet girl and was enjoying having Sadie there to play with, but we soon downed our pints, left a tip and drove off as fast as we could. Well I mean- you can't be too careful.
It was like a Fast Show sketch only without the hilarity and with a little bit more nausea.
It's a funny time of year this- the anti climax after glitter, gifts and giddy aunts. Not a good time to be sober. This time last year we were looking forward to a five week trip to India. Now all we see before us is black skies, numb toes and the sales. I'm off to get more plonk and challenge Andy to a game of Scrabble while Sadie is watching Charlie and Lola. Well- what else is there to do?

Soundtrack: The Strokes- Is this it?

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