Thursday, January 10, 2008


Apart from if I count the numerous yoga classes I've attended and the times in my life when I have been asleep, this is officially the most relaxed I have been in 30 years. For the first time in 5 years I have 6 hours a day to myself, 5 days a week. Ok so I had hours of free time to myself before I became a mother, but I never appreciated it like this. Although much of this me-time is now spent trying to find a part time job, or sorting out our flat which is in a constant squat-like state, it's still very laid back. I don't have to clock watch as I have liturally hours until I have to pick up my little one. I miss her but hell am I enjoying this bit. Maybe next week I'll be going insane, but for now I will enjoy the peace and quiet time of me-ness. I'm off to write some more letters to friends that I miss, and to drink some herbal tea very slowly. It's like I've come to the end of a 5 year contract for a job that was 24 hours a day. It's still parenting, and she can still impersonate the girl in the Exorcist from time to time, but there is a big space to breathe in between so that I can enjoy her even more.

Did anyone see the Hugh FW programme this week that's been about free range chicken? The man is a genius; he actually got Andy and I both in tears over the welfare of poultry. I usually buy free range anyway but I will always now. I'm loving Big Food Fight week on channel 4: let's hope it makes a difference to people's attitudes. See for more info.

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