Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Abigail's Party eat your heart out

Have a slight headache after the cheese and wine and words party last night turned into a cheese and GIN and words party. It was great fun to see lovelies Joy and Geoff, and scoff our faces with crackers and Wensleydale, AND I won the Scrabble contest!- even with Scrabble genius Geoff Westby to contend with- I only won by the hair of my teeth though(is that correct? No). Either I am in fact getting rather good at this game or Geoff, who was keeping score, was just being a nice chap and fiddled the results. I also learnt a new word- LUGE: a light toboggan ridden in a sitting or lying position. Thank you Joy.
When we opened the Scrabble box that had once belonged to my parents (they handed it over to me this Christmas)- and bear in mind it hadn't been used since the late 70s/early 80s- the smells took us all straight back to our childhoods- well it took Andy back to his early 20s. The tile bag itself contained a mixture of plastic, electrical and library smells culminating in a complete mental summary of that era. I could even hear the sound of Abba and see my dad's Magnum moustache in my mind as I inhaled. It was rather weird. I wish I could bottle that smell forever.
Last night was such a success that Andy and I have decided to invite friends over every week for an evening of food, booze and board games. When we had decided this I immediately went to the cupboard for a pen and some paper to write a list of all the people we could have over. How tragic. I am one of those list-writing types you see. The list was quite long mind. Andy said that when I die my epitaph should read:
'Hang on a minute- I haven't written a list.....'


Anonymous said...

Oh god, we're totally scrabble-crazy too! Well, not so much Dan because he's never beaten me ;-)

And if you like lists, you should join me on

Lists rule.

Her Indoors said...

oo goody i'll check that out soon! after i've gone through my 'list of things to do today' tee hee... x