Friday, February 8, 2008

Becoming a Bore

Oh shit I have finally given in and joined Facebook. So now , before I settle down to a day's creative writing (pah), not only will I have to check my yahoo emails, write my blog and read my friends' blogs but I now have that irresistable urge to check this ego-massaging (or crushing) cyber world too.
I still haven't decided what to give up for Lent. I was thinking of part giving up the booze, but then talked myself out of that one very swiftly. It's amazing how many excuses you can give yourself when you really don't want to do something. It's like I will liturally be at the catheter stage of my life before I think that stopping drinking is a brilliant idea. Am supposed to be running right now so maybe if I got off my facebook-addicted arse and did that I might get some inspiration.
I might go vegetarian actually. Although that too, like giving up nookie, is an easy option. Like my semi-vegetarianism, I slip into habits of celebacy without even noticing something's missing. Having kids does this to you. It's very sad indeed.
Nat is coming over for dinner tonight which will be splendid. She's a veggie so that's a good start. She also loves her wine like me so it promises to be a great evening. I'm going to also make a crumble, so what with facebook, jogging and baking, there is little time, again, to write. Bugger. I might have to become one of those very disciplined writers who gets up at dawn and writes before the day begins. Life can be very distracting. Dorothea wotsit who wrote 'Becoming a Writer' swears by the early morning scribble ritual. Apparantely your brain is at it's most creative at this time, as you've just exited the subconscious world of sleep and dreams. I'll try this out and let you know if it works.


JaneyV said...

I joined Facebook (can't remember why now - Oh yeah it had something to do with supporting this writer of a natural parenting book - in the end I decided her network wasn't for me) about 2 weeks ago. My day sounds creepily close to yours except for the fact that I now play Tetris instead of writing. So very, very sad especially as I only have 5 friends. My friend Riona has 150 - which is just showing off if you ask me.

Rachael Glazier said...

Um, I didn't manage to go for a run. So I'm impressed that you have.
Enjoy the wine, jealous of you!

Anonymous said...

And boy was the dinner lovely, very tasty crumble and yes we managed to polish off a few bottles of wine as you do, joined by another friend Fiona and we all sat and chatted merrily about life in general before stumbling home!(You should have seen the sexy bus driver!) Great eve thanx xxx Nat xxx