Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh I do like to be beside the seaside....beside someone else....

Living by the sea at this time of year is brilliant. Last night a mum friend and I took our girls to the beach for our dinner. We headed off about 5pm as it was too scorchio before this to venture out without melting, and went and found ourselves a spot right next to the water. I brought freshly roasted lemon chicken, potato salad and a bottle of chilled rose. My friend bought avocado and watermelon and we tucked in. As we chatted whilst sunbathing in our bikinis (well- she forgot hers so she just sat there in her lacy undies), the nudey girls played by the water, running in bravely as the tide went out and screaming loudly as the waves chased them back to the beach. I had a quick swim in the surprisingly clear waters and we got home around 7.30pm in time to tuck the girls up in bed, ready for school the next morning. How ace is this a way to spend an evening with your child? I am one lucky woman. I live so close to the beach that it is practically my back garden.
Now that the weather is so amazing I have also got into the wonderful habit of cycling to and from work. As I live and work close to the seafront (am I annoying you yet?) I get to cycle all the way along the promenade to work, with the sea to my right and the traffic jams of carbon spurters to my left. I now manage the journey in 10 minutes, as opposed to half an hour on the bus. My legs are already starting to change shape after 3 weeks of whizzing along. This is all good.
However, I have no one to show off my newly toned legs too. After May's fruitiness June is turning into a man drought. I knew I shouldn't have bought those condoms. Every time I optimistically buy a packet of them, I get to use one and then the rest sit around in my bathroom cabinet festering in their spermicidical juices, only to be out of date the next time I happen to need one. I once wrote an article entitled 'The Jinx of the Johnny' for a website about this problem. Many women commented that they have exactly the same experience. They don't tell you this in sex education classes- it's all very well teaching children about safe sex, but they should also inform us that buying condoms will always lead to safe sex as it will ensure you never have nookie again.
Mind you- this Friday night I'm out with the girls for a cocktail night. I am wearing my red mini dress and fishnets and if I don't get any action wearing this ensemble I will give up forever......

Soundtrack: Kinks- Lazing on a sunny afternoon


JaneyV said...

I hate sunblock. I hate the greasy hands you get and the sweaty face it gives you. I should've been born in an age when parasols were de rigueur (as was the use of French phrases in common speech). I love sunshine and light but only from under a shady tree as I'm so fair-skinned I could actually pass for being blue. Long sleeves and head to toe linen and cotton clothing is what I resort to!

If you are looking for non-toxic sun-block, talk to Rachael - she did an piece about it in Organic Life (or whatever it's called now) a month or two ago. She knows loads!

Her Indoors said...

Gosh you seem to know more about my friend's recent writing than me-oh the shame! I must remember to ask people about what they are doing in their lives and not just rabbit on about mine.. I know that recently she did a piece on pubic wigs however...And thanks for the tip off I will speak to Rachael later. x

JaneyV said...

I LIED! Well not on purpose - but I'm having one of those days where my brain is misbehaving. For instance the above comment should've been on yesterday's post. I didn't realise you'd posted again today. (That curse of the Johnny thing - been there - happens when you're married too - and as for the snip.......)

Anyway I lied about Rachael knowing everything about sunblock because I just went to check the issue of H&OL, only to find that it was on fake tans which isn't the same thing at all. Thing is I definitely read something about it somewhere....

I'm not being much help am I?

Her Indoors said...

I have days where my brain misbehaves- it happens rather a lot at the moment! No worries- but I bet Rachael knows about suncream anyway- she is like my very own wikipedia that girl! A fountain of knowledge.. x

Rachael Glazier said...

Jane can see into the future... Suncreams piece is in the next issue. Feel famous now! Not that I remember anything I write about, but happy to waffle on about nanomaterials, coral reefs and other faffle when you want. I'm very boring.
Hope you're both fabulously well,

Her Indoors said...

Oh hello stranger! Forgot to mention you were being discussed on le blog. How are you? Are you coming to my Champagne and Bling party? And I will read your article with interest my dear....

Adrian Colley said...

Of course, just been having usual insane week, am so behind with everything, failing to reply to anything. Might see you tomorrow if you're not too rough, have fun tonight,
ps and I know, I'm signed in as ade, sorry...